Value-based Specialist Referrals

As a User Experience Lead at a top Accountable Care Organization, I led the design and strategy for a brand new Specialist Referral tool, aimed at fostering data-driven decisions for Primary Care Physicians .

Following extensive interviews with doctors and subject matter experts, I crafted a future-state journey map highlighting key goals and pain points. Utilizing behavioral economics and evidence-based decision theory, I worked with my team to identify strategies to influence and modify physician behavior.

Working with product managers, I helped to delineate an MVP feature set and roadmap, and within eight months, our iterative design and development cycle culminated in the successful launch of a brand new product: Specialist Navigator.

The result was a tool that empowered PCPs by providing insights into the quality and cost-effectiveness of specialists, facilitating the creation and sharing of personalized selections for their patients.


Nokia: Mobile Health Program


USAA: Homeowners Insurance